

Executive and Artistic Director for Phoenix Art Space, Brighton.

Board Director, Devonshire Collective, Eastbourne

As I am now working full time, sadly I am unable to commit to further mentoring or consultancy work.

Please do stay in touch via my Phoenix email.

I work with individuals and organisations

I create and develop exhibitions and projects

I unlock ambitions and creative potential

Alice May Williams, film still from 'By The Accident Of Your Birth,' 2017.jpg

Initiate, research, and develop creative projects which effect change

Curate and produce exhibitions with artists and partners

Mentor artists to have ambitious, sustainable practices

Work with organisations and businesses to understand, develop and evaluate their creative and strategic direction or project

Design and deliver training for a broad range of organisations including art schools universities and strategic agencies funding bodies

“I enjoyed the ….workshop with Lucy Day. It was a masterpiece of clarity, visually exciting, funny and enjoyable. I admired both her visual and conceptual skill as a curator and her ability to teach.”

— Participant in workshop Northumberland 2015

More Testimonials

9 Melanie Wilson Women of Record 2018  A Woman's Place Knole (c) National Trust Ciaran McCrickard.jpg


Cultural Organisations




4 Lubaina Himid Collars and Cuffs 2018 A Woman's Place Knole (c) National Trust Ciaran McCrickard.jpg

Recent Projects

Our Precarious State
(In Development)

A Woman’s Place (South East & Knole)
2016 - 2018

2015 - 2017


Alice May Williams, Still from By the Accident of your Birth, 2017. Image courtesy of the artist

Melanie Wilson, Women of Record, 2018 (c) National Trust Ciaran McCrickard

Lubaina Himid, Collars and Cuffs, 2018 (c) National Trust Ciaran McCrickard

Selection of images from A Woman’s Place South East & Knole 2018, curated by Lucy Day+Eliza Gluckman